Friday, August 3, 2007

slept off in the exam hall

Oh..this is one funny incident i ought to quote. For one of my mid term exam's I was actually caught for sleeping in the exam hall.

As usual was shaky for exam for I neva touched my books the previous day. I treid to get to something in my head in the morning but could not do so as every little word looked greek. Finally i entered the exam hall with lot of hesitation wondering what to write. As the examiner gave a away the paper i was for certain i wouldn't clear the paper but wanted to avoid getting a digit mark.

so I wrote for a page and just dozed off. The next thing I could remember was my H.O.D shouting at me and the entire class looking at me.. for a moment I dint realize what was happening around and I am like... sir it's not my fault.. I am not feeling well!!!! the guy was in mixed reactions, didnt expect such an answer....and he was like....well then take rest !!!!


josephite said...

this is a common sight in d exam hall... But you were smart enough to escape from the HOD

bharat said...

hey hey..u didn't tell about the part where he took ur ID card & asked if u were from EIE!!!!

Serendipity said...

Was it the EEE Hod?

Serendipity said...
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Srinivasa Thatham said...

i didn't read this post,the title was enough to get me started.i too slept off in during the was the english exam,IIIrd was around 45 mins into the classmate called me to borrow a pen.i lended.i was like"why is this guy guy here?isn't he supposed to be seated in the other row?"i woke up and realized it was a dream.i was sleep writing and had dozed off.didn't even bother to check what i wrote.funny incident, should have been me.